As a consulting firm, wastewater facility planning has been a primary element of our municipal engineering division. Preliminary Engineering Reports and Facility Plans provide an in-depth study, which provides recommended treatment options for the client.
Our wastewater engineers keep up to date on the new emerging technologies introduced to meet new and proposed standards and regulations; however, our engineers do not abandon the use of traditional systems that have proven themselves throughout their long period of service if their use is applicable and deemed suitable.

Facility planning evaluates the watershed or watersheds affecting the wastewater treatment facility. The planning encompasses the entire community, as well as Projected growth patterns for a specified area or region. The plan takes into account projected growth in the geographical direction the community proposes to grow based on available data.
With this in-depth information and our expert guidance, the client is able to make an informed and educated decision and present these outcomes with confidence to their customers. Our professionals provide sound engineering solutions to meet today’s stringent standards for sanitary sewer collection and wastewater treatment facilities.
Related Experience
Wastewater Collection System Improvements, Elsberry, MO
PER/Facility Plan, survey, design, plans, specifications, cost estimates, finance planning for $3 million dollar project (USDA-RD loan) to mitigate severe I & I into the system. Project is pending approval to bid.
New 550 GPM Triplex Lift Station
Concrete wet well and valve pit, electrical, control panels, piping, valves, hoist, SCADA, force main
Rehabilitation of Existing 290 GPM Lift Station
Concrete wet well and valve pit, electrical, control panels, SCADA, hoist, piping, valves, force main
Collection System
Televising of 30,000 LF of sewer main, replacement of 6,700 LF of collection system with 10” PVC
Cuivre River State Park, Force Main and Sewer Network, Lincoln County, MO
Design, project coordination and construction management for new force main, sewer network for Cuivre River State Park, Troy, MO. Services included the design of new force main from the current lagoon at the campground, meet another force main from the Camp Sherwood Forest lagoon and run off property to the Lincoln County Sewer District. After the force mains were constructed, the two lagoons will be drained and closed. The Schematic design study stated options to run water service to Camp Sherwood Forest. MECO prepared plans, specifications.
Water System Improvements (New Supply/Treatment Plant/Transmission) Pittsfield, IL
The City of Pittsfield, Illinois undertook a major water system improvements project in 2009 to provide a safe and reliable drinking water supply to their community.
In order to meet state and federal standards for drinking water, the city realized the need to replace their existing surface water supply (lake), with a ground water supply provided through a new alluvial well field, including two 1,000 GPM wells (approximately 95-ft), submersible pumps, elevated platforms, piping and electrical.
The new ground water supply is treated by a new 1,000 GPM Ion-Exchange ground water softening plant. A new SCADA system links all systems and facilities to monitor and control the operations. A diesel-powered emergency back-up generator provides emergency service to the two new wells and a diesel-powered generator provides emergency service to the two new wells and a diesel-powered generator has capacity to operate the new water treatment plant at full capacity.