MECO is a leading provider of quality structural engineering services to governmental and private sector clients. Work experience includes structural analysis and design of new and existing buildings, industrial structures, liquid-containing structures, flood walls, foundations, retaining walls, rehabilitation projects, and bridges.
Our structural engineers specialize in:
- Determining suitable structural systems and components for specific applications
- Determining analysis and design requirements
- Analyzing integrity, capacity, and serviceability of existing structural systems
- Structural system design and cost estimating
- Determining most suitable use of structural material for each project, including cast-in-place and pre-stressed concrete, structural steel, masonry, pre-cast concrete, and wood
- Structural assessment of water treatment plant and wastewater treatment plant structures
- Bridge design and structural condition analysis
- Ultrasonic thickness testing and subsurface defect detection testing on steel and concrete structures

Related Experience
Van-Far School Bus Canopy Renovation, Vandalia, MO
Basic services included on-site data collection and observation of the existing canopy system at the Van-Far R-1 School (located at 2200 West Highway 54, Vandalia, MO); design of new roof decking, and evaluation/design of anchorage for the re-attachment of several existing support frame connection to the buildings.
Veterans Road Connector Road (Hannibal), Marion County Commission, Palmyra, MO
The 3.24 mile north-south 2-lane connector roadway provides a new important transportation link from Route W on the north side of Hannibal to the Ralls County Lines at Paris Gravel Road. Safe travel has been enhanced and economic growth and opportunities are developing along the new Veterans Road corridor. New “Bike Lane” signage has been added to the shoulders along the entire route, connecting the Veterans Road Trail to the Riverview Trail System and Downtown Hannibal. Several intersections along the route provide important access, including route W (north end of roadway), Stardust Lane (accessing a major shopping district), US Highway 36 (east/west 4-lane), State Route MM (major east/west county roadway to Highway 61), and ending at Paris Gravel Road, with access to Highway 61 South.
Sapsucker Road Bridge Replacement, Franklin County, Union, MO (St. Louis District)
Design replacement Bridge No. F-270 on Sapsucker Road over Boone Creek, approximately 1.1 miles East of Route H and related approach road improvements (asphalt). MECO provided complete bridge engineering and design services, topographic survey, and production of plans, specifications, bidding and contract documents, and assisted the county with the bidding process, and completed the project by providing construction engineering and observation services during the construction of the new bridge and roadway