MECO specializes in all areas of stormwater management, planning, design and analysis. This includes project management and construction management of bridges, culverts and related stormwater infrastructures for rivers and streams, ditches, inlets, pipe systems, detention, pump stations, sediment and erosion control.
Specialized Services
- Master and strategic planning
- Mitigation of increased surface stormwater runoff
- Detention basins or underground detention pipe systems including parking lot detention
- Retention basins permit pool basins
- Drainage area mapping existing and proposed conditions
- Stormwater runoff calculations for various storm event frequencies and sit conditions
- Flood studies rick analysis
- FEMA FIRM map revisions
- Establishment of minimum safe floor and roadway elevations
- Hydraulic grade-line calculations water surface elevation and total hydraulic head
- Culvert analysis and design
- Open and closed channel systems
- Pressurized and non-pressurized pipe systems
- Inlet systems
- Pump stations
- Stormwater Pollution and Prevention Plans (SWPPPs)
- Erosion and sediment control matting and revetment
- Permit applications and project approvals MoDOT/IDOT/MDNR/IEPA/US Army Corps of Engineers/rail/local
- Sand filters
- Debris filter chambers
- Temporary sediment basins
- Ditch checks or dikes
- Micro-detention
- Rain gardens and bio-swales
- Retaining walls
- Cost estimates
- Consulting and recommendations relating to establishment or revision of stormwater management and design criteria
Related Experience
City of Branson, Storm Water Master Plan
MECO Engineering Company, Inc is under contract with the City of Branson to prepare a Storm Water Master Plan as a working document to aid in prioritizing areas of flooding concerns. MECO is presently in the information and gathering data phase with two Public Hearings scheduled for September 17th and September 18th. Public outreach is a vital part of the community participation. The City of Branson also has areas of flooding that are a concern. This reportshall evaluate and prioritize the most critical areas with conceptual plan and cost estimates. The Study will also address the current stormwater ordinance in place, along with recommendation for future development or expansion.
This study is currently a work in process as MECO continues to work with the City for a Master Plan to begin addressing storm water in their community.
University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
University Apartments
Design stormwater culvert pipe at University Apartments (Providence Road)
MU Stankowski Track
Survey and design of stormwater drainage for MU Stankowski track replacement (sub-consultant for Architect Hastings Chivetta)
Phase 1 Stormwater Study (South Broadway Drainage Area), City of Bowling Green, MO
A targeted area stormwater study, including hydrological computer modeling was completed for the City of Bowling Green. The majority of the South Broadway Drainage Area, conveys stormwater via sheet flow, shallow concentrated flow and channel flow, with limited piping.